Unlock the Secret Hacks Busy Moms Are Using

To Make Their Health A Priority Without

Sacrificing Being A Good Mom!

Are you....

Wanting to implement healthier habits but not sure where to start?

Confused by food & overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there?

Tired of starting over, again and again, and feeling like you're failing?

Wanting to make yourself & your health a priority while still being a good mom and feeling like you can't have both?

What if you could live a life prioritizing yourself and your health, AND be an even better mom when doing so?

I'm Going To Let You In On A Little Secret....There Are Moms Just Like You Who Are Making Their Health A Priority...

And As A Result, Showing Up As An Even Better Version Of Themselves

In Other Areas of Their Lives.

Secret #1

Healthy Eating Does Not Mean Complicated

Healthy meals don't have to include fancy worthy recipes or foods you've never heard of. Just simple ingredients put together in a delicious and nutritious way.

Secret #2

An Effective Workout Doesn't Take An Hour

And you definitely don't need a gym membership, or personal trainer to get it done. All you need is 15-30 minutes and a little space to move!

Secret #3

You Don't Have To 'Start Over' All The Time

Not sure where to start or what you're doing wrong? These step by step guides will take away the guesswork so you can finally see results!

What if I told you that it IS possible to finally take yourself off the back-burner and still give your children the attention they deserve?

All without letting the other areas of your life slide?

Hi! I'm Jordan

As a mom to 3 boys, I can personally relate to feeling like there is no time to take care of myself. My children are my number 1, and it just doesn't feel like there are enough hours in the day.

When I first became a mom, I felt lost for the first 6 months. My whole world revolved around my son. He was attached to me all day long. On those rare moments where I had my hands free, there was SO MANY things that I felt like I needed to get done that exercise, cooking, and self-care took a backseat.

At times, I felt frustrated and bitter. I just wanted to make my health a priority but I just felt guilty taking the time to do it unless my son was napping (not in my arms) or with someone else (rarely.)

I got to a point where I got so annoyed with the whole thing that I decided, alright, let's see what I can do WHILE being present with my son and taking care of day-to-day tasks.

I experimented with different types of At-Home Workouts and exercises that I could fit into whatever time frame I had available AND could be done from the comfort of my home, whether my baby was sleeping or not.

I started simplifying my meals and planning better so that cooking and prep didn't take so much time during the day.

I started meditating, practicing mindfulness, and made self-care throughout the day a priority. Even if it involved getting up earlier or doing it with a baby on my lap.

And you know what happened? I become an even BETTER mom. I had more energy, I was more present, more motivated & disciplined, and even more productive throughout the day.

I discovered that taking care of myself IS NECESSARY to being the best mom I can be for my children. And it IS POSSIBLE, even with all the other things on your plate.

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Postpartum Nutrition Professional, and Fitness Professional, I now use a variety of holistic modalities to help other mamas feel better & take control over their health. It doesn't have to be your children or your health. YOU CAN HAVE BOTH. My goal is to help you feel empowered & confident so you have live a truly healthy, happy, and vibrant life.

Let me invite you to...

Nourished Motherhood

A Monthly Wellness Membership that Delivers Everything You Need to

Make Yourself & Your Health A Priority, Without Sacrificing Other Areas of Your Life

  • Recipe bundle with healthy, fresh, new recipes that the whole family can enjoy: $300 Value

  • ​Flexible meal planner with samples and a how-to guide to fit your schedule take the guesswork out of 'what to make for dinner?': $250 Value

  • ​Monthly At-Home Workout Bundle to fit any schedule without the need for a gym membership: $250 Value

  • ​Wellness Guides & Protocols so you can feel confident in the decisions you're making for your health: $150 Value

Total Value: $950/Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month (WHAT?! Yes, that's right)

Here’s the details on what you’ll get every month

Monthly Recipe Bundle

Never spend time searching online & going through recipe books to find new, healthy recipes again.

These Recipe Bundles are full of nutritious recipes that you can plug into your weekly meal plan and make healthy eating easy and enjoyable.

You’re Getting:

  • Delicious & Healthy Recipes so you never have to spend time trying to figure out healthy meals!

  • Simple ingredients making grocery shopping a breeze and swapping for dietary preferences easy!

  • Step-By-Step Preparation Guide for each meal

Flexible Meal Planner

Each month, get a weekly meal planner template and sample plan that coincides with the recipes in your monthly recipe bundle so you're never left rummaging through the fridge trying to figure out what to make.

Your planner works as a flexible "Plug-in-play" meal planner that you can customize to fit your schedule and food preferences.

You’re Getting:

  • A customizable meal plan that you can use to plug in recipes from your monthly recipe bundle as well as your family's favorites

  • ​​A sample meal plan to guide you on how to implement the monthly recipes

  • A step by step meal planning guide to make planning ahead for the week a breeze!

Monthly At-Home Workout Plan

At-home workouts that will help you stay active and fit without the need for a gym membership or expensive equipment.

No more decision fatigue from browsing hundreds of workout videos online.

You no longer have to waste all your precious workout time trying to figure out what kind of workout to do because it's all planned out for you!

You’re Getting:

  • At-Home Workouts Organized Into A Monthly Plan so you never have to waste your precious time trying to figure out what to do.

  • Options for Different Fitness Levels & Time Constraints so you can be sure there's a workout that's right for you!

  • ​​Video Demonstrations so you don't have to wonder if you're doing the exercises correctly.

Plus... (as if that wasn't enough)

Wellness Guides & Protocols

Some Examples of Topics Covered:

Resources and Protocols that will provide you with valuable information to address common health challenges and questions many moms have.

Each month focuses on a specific topic, such as managing stress, improving sleep, boosting energy levels, and more.

The best part?

These guides give you step-by-step guidance so you never have to spend time trying to figure it out on your own.

  • Pre/Postnatal Fitness

  • ​Core Restore

  • Healthy Holiday Eating

  • ​Cycle Syncing

  • ​Workout Travel Guide

  • ​Healthy Eating On The Go

  • ​Mindfulness Challenge

  • Ultimate Guide to Gut Health

  • Decoding Food Labels

  • Eating Out Guide

  • ​Portion Control Guide

  • ​Strength Training For Moms

  • ​Pre/Postnatal Nutrition Guide

  • ​Sugar Detox Challenge

And because I know you’ll ask...

It doesn't matter what stage of Motherhood your in (new mom or seasoned mom) this membership will benefit you!

  • Recipe bundle with healthy, fresh, new recipes that the whole family can enjoy: $300 Value

  • Flexible meal planner with samples and a how-to guide to fit your schedule take the guesswork out of 'what to make for dinner?': $250 Value

  • ​Monthly At-Home Workout Bundle to fit any schedule without the need for a gym membership: $250 Value

  • ​Wellness Guides & Protocols so you can feel confident in the decisions you're making for your health: $150 Value

Total Value: $950/Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month (WHAT?! Yes, that's right)

Super Happy Clients

I was working out everyday and eating okay but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I knew my nutrition selection was

stopping me but I was upset because I didn’t know where to even start or what I was doing wrong.

Jordan taught me so much in such a short time. My energy switched after an entire week of eating well.

I didn’t even need my pre-workout a few days in there because my body felt that good.

- Trissa

I was tired most of the time and I felt like I hardly had any energy to play with my kids.

I got sick often and seemed to pick up each and every virus that went around.

I feel so much more empowered when it comes to health.

I know so much more about why I want to be healthier,

and the path to getting there is so much more clearly laid out now.

- Amanda

I was having a hard time feeling comfortable in my own skin.

I wasn't seeing results and was overwhelmed with trying things and failing.

I wasn't making changes that were long lasting and that's what Jordan helped me with.

I started changing the way that I bought food and nourished my body,

which brought on better sleep, less back pain, and a happier, healthier soul.

- Sydney

Here are examples of Member Resources from  previous months

Flexible Meal Planner

Monthly Recipe Bundle

Monthly At-Home Workouts

Wellness Guide - Restore Your Core

Wellness Protocol - How To Cycle Sync

Wellness Guide - Portion Control

Here’s the thing...

You can continue to put yourself on the back burner, while feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with everything on your plate. OR, you can commit to adding yourself to your list of priorities, and showing up as a better version of yourself in all other ares of your life.

This membership provides you with expert guidance, support, and resources you need to make it easier and more enjoyable.

Nourished Motherhood Membership

  • Recipe bundle with healthy recipes that the whole family can enjoy: $300 Value

  • Flexible meal planner to take the guesswork out of 'what to make for dinner?':$250 Value

  • Monthly At-Home Workout Bundle to fit any schedule: $250 Value

  • ​Wellness Guides & Protocols so you can feel confident in the decisions you're making for your health: $150 Value

Total Value: $950/Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month

No Commitments, No Regrets

You can cancel at anytime. 

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